We Are All Lionesses: Becoming Warriors of Love

“With our love, we could change the world.”
— George Harrison —
Over the weekend I took part in a cacao ceremony. When everyone in the room had a warm cup of cacao in their hands, we sat in silence. As we did so, recorded chants from a tribe in the Amazon played in the background.
Seated on a cushion, I sunk into meditation and went deeper and deeper inside myself. As I did, I focused on the music. And before long, I could feel myself becoming the music. Soon I felt as expansive as the room and I could feel myself among the members of the tribe, chanting alongside them. Then I was not just alongside them, I became them.
As I danced around a fire that felt very real in those moments, I felt like a warrior. Then, a message came. A clarion call to use my voice, my platform, my priviledge in the world, to make bigger change in the world. To play a bigger game. To bring my soul work out into the open. To continue my own journey while helping others remember who they are. To come back to what’s true. To use love as a tool for change. And to do all that by becoming a warrior of love.
As I emerged back into my surroundings, I started to think about what that might look like. Maybe it’s a training manual for warriors of love, I thought. I have no idea what this will look like. It might look a little like the blind leading the blind. But then again, I’m pretty good at loving and I know my heart is my super power.
So, I’m going to reinvigorate this space and perhaps some other spaces to hopefully inspire a cadre of warriors of love. I hope you’ll join me.
Stay tuned . . .
Erin Roberts is a climate policy researcher and the founder of the Loss and Damage Collaboration, the Climate Leadership Initiative and The Lionesses. She believes that a world in which all humans, all other species and all ecosystems are thriving on a healthy planet is entirely possible. And that love is the only way to get there.